We repair your shoes & clothing
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by Reboot

We take pride in our online platform, which allows us to offer services to those who are unable to visit us locally.

Whether it’s your everyday shoes, dress shoes, sneakers, work boots, or elegant heels, our shoe repair shop is ready to repair and care for them.
You can find our workshop here, skomakare Borlänge

In the tailoring shop, we repair cracked seams, patch and mend holes and tears, replace zippers, change buttons, Velcro, hem and let out, and much more.
Our goal is not only to repair the damage but also to enhance the overall expression of the garment, all to meet your expectations of us.
You can find our workshop here, skrädderi Borlänge

Sustainability is central to our business. Repairing and extending the lifespan of shoes and clothing is a very important piece of the puzzle in creating a more sustainable society.
Our ambition is to build awareness around the fact that shoes and clothing can age with style if they are cared for and maintained by their owner.
By repairing instead of buying new, we together contribute to reducing textile waste and the environmental impact associated with textile consumption.